Solution architecture and design for questions and exams
Solution architecture and design for questions and exams
This page deals with SWIK-728 to finalise the design of question editor, question presentation, question evaluation and exam mode. One master student Andy Faizan is working on creating gap filling multiple choice question generation from the slides on SlideWiki platform.
Question tab on deck or slide view :
Click on the image to enlarge.
Add question modal window
Exam Mode
Action items
- Vinay Look at some of the professional question generation/exam creator sites for inspiration of GUI and Workflow.
- Vinay Prepare draft mock ups and seek comments from stakeholders.
- Vinay Prepare system architecture draft and seek comments from stakeholders.
- Vinay Prepare database structure draft and seek comments from stakeholders.
- Andy Faizan Setup Master thesis solution as a microservice and provide REST like API for communication.
, multiple selections available,