Realizing content translation

StakeholdersAbi James Kostis Pristouris Former user (Deleted) Darya Tarasowa 
OutcomeDecks will have different content items depending on the selected language.
Due date
OwnerKurt Junghanns 


Based on requirements and discussion on Hackathon in Valencia.

User stories: (have to be discussed)

  • A user wants to create a translation of a deck using automatic translation
  • A user wants to create a translation of a deck manually
  • A user wants to create a translation of a slide using automatic translation (No requirement to do translation on slide level)
  • A user wants to create a translation of a slide manually
  • A deckowner wants to select for each language a prefered deck translation
  • A user wants to see translations of decks
  • A deck editor wants to apply changes on a deck/slide in order to match updates of a translation
  • As a user I want to be able to correct a translation of a slide

Points from the hackathon:

  • Distinguish between manual or automatic translation
  • Restrict automatic translations (e.g. one per user per month, for now the option is deactivateed and grayed out)
  • Progress bar of a automatic translation could be problematic: Perhaps show a user a notification when automatic translation is finished
  • Undecided if a decks/slide language could be changed by the user
  • A deck and slide will have multiple translations per language
  • Problem: slides language attribute could be infered but could also be set on creation/updates of the system

The above lines have to be specified, new added and some removed in order to have decisions on what a user should be able to do in SlideWiki and how the UI (workflow) should be.


We started to implement it as described. Because this is a big task and has impact on many service and UIs, its not done yet and details are not exact as described here. Thus its an ongoing task but the general idea is finalized.

Action items
