Roles within the platform

Roles within the platform

StakeholdersKlaas Andries de Graaf Ali Khalili Darya Tarasowa
Due date


Need to decide roles within the platform. For example:

  • need to allow certain users to administrate the system (e.g. removing spam)
  • need to allow certain users to administrate groups of decks or users
    • for collaborating
    • for learning analytic
  • need to attribute content to other users e.g.
    • when a user uploads a deck that was authored primarily by another SW user
    • when a user uploads a decks where the lead author is not a SW user.

Content related roles (from discussions 2/11/17)

We plan to split the creator/owner role. When a user creates a deck, they are automatically the Curator (replacing owner/creator terminology). We will add an option to allow them to transfer this to another user who has editing rights. The orginal Curator will now become the manager of the deck. This will be displayed as a contributor on all slides and visibly will be no different to other contributors. However they will retain the same rights as a Curator to change the editors on a deck and any other actions.

Therefore the roles for SW users creating content will be

  • Curator ..... listed on all slides and in the platform as the "owner" of the deck. Able to add editors to the deck and perform other admin tasks. They will be able to remove a Manager from a list of editors.
  • Manager ..... a previous Curator of the deck. They will be listed as a contributor to all slides. Able to add editors to the deck and perform other admin tasks. They will be able to remove any editors from the decks except for the Curator. For reputation, the manager will be treated as a contributor to all the slides in the deck.
  • Contributor .... users who are editors and have contributed to a slide. As now

The My decks listing needs to be amended so that when a user visits "My decks" they can see the decks they curate and edit. But other users visiting someones deck list should see Curated decks by that user.

Authorship of content

To address the issues of adding authoring ship of content outside of SlideWiki then we propose that each slide will have an Author listed as a source. When a user uploads or creates a decks they should be able to add sources. If they do not add an author then they should see a warning that this will be automatically populated with their name. This is shown as a source on each slide. If a slide or deck is attach to deck the author source will continue to show in the new deck. The sources are collated at the deck level.

Sources do not contribute to reputation of the deck. 

If the author is a SW user, we do not link to their account.

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