Headings within the deckview page

Headings within the deckview page

Due date


Currently we do not have a consistent heading structure on our deckview page. As content within the slides needs to also contain hierarchical headings we need to decide what approach to take. SW 1.0 seemed to apply H1 to the deck title and H2 to the slide title. These then gave a hierarchy of the slides to navigate through. However in SW 2.0 it would be sensible to use headings to allow users to navigate through components on the page, and/or through the deck. 

screenshot of heading heirarchy from a slide deck in v1

SlideWiki 1.0 heading structure


In addition,

  1. If slides are moved between decks and the hierarchy is changed (e.g. a slide was a in a section and its now a section title) then the hierarchy in the headings will need to change
  2. If slides are displayed in presentation mode outside of the con exported to a linear format e.g. ePub3 or linear PDF then the hierarchy of the slides needs to be nested within the overall structure of the deck.

My initial question is: are we using headings within the components? 

Action items

As discuss with  Ali Khalili on 20 May16, we propose that H1 will be retained for the deck title. Heading will be set within components but will need to dynamically altered based on their nesting within the page and within the other components. 

Semantic-UI class="ui header" will alter the font size of header contents using REM. The heading levels will need to be queries and calculated when components are loaded.


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