
Discussion following presentation by Elke Finke during Madrid plenary

Decision(?!): 1 License for all text content - CC-BY-SA
For images → check box "this is mine" or "I will set licenses".
Steffen Lohmann: For setting image licenses: use Creative commons wizard or Wikipedia/Wikimedia wizard - well-established -  we should not reinvent the wheel. Make easy for users

Steffen Lohmann - Licensing for images - asap - current all is CC-BY-SA -
Klaas Andries de Graaf - maybe at least text / page to explain that licence for images should be reported by authors themselves in sources tab.
Darya Tarasowa - we have reporting function

Related tasks:

Licenses for deck / slide: SWIK-1279 - Getting issue details... STATUS SWIK-1135 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Licenses for images: SWIK-1288 - Getting issue details... STATUS SWIK-1121 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Export: SWIK-1273 - Getting issue details... STATUS SWIK-1311 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Reporting funciton: SWIK-842 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Metadata: SWIK-101 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Others: SWIK-1312 - Getting issue details... STATUS SWIK-1313 - Getting issue details... STATUS SWIK-1327 - Getting issue details... STATUS