E-learning - Questions & tests

E-learning - Questions & tests

Target release
User Story

SWIK-195 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Document status
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Work Package & deliverables 
Related JIRA tasks

Task - A task that needs to be done. SWIK-106 Create E-Learning Service

Task - A task that needs to be done. SWIK-126 Create a prototype for Question Editor component

Task - A task that needs to be done. SWIK-125 Create a prototype for ContentQuestionsPanel component


Background and goals



#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotesJIRA
1As a user I want to review my knowledge about a presentation by answering questions in a test that is scored
2 For each test I want to select the difficulty of the questions, random questions, exam mode and the number of questions   
3 When I review questions I want to see the answer and the linked content   
4 In exam mode I want to see detailed scoring results of tests   

User interaction and design

Update 4/8/16 from discussion on deck layout between [~hyperir] and [~ajames]:

Questions will be displayed in a tab in the ContentModule SWIK-402. Users will be able to add questions:

* If they are an editor of a slide, they can select content in the slide while editing and then select to add a question from the CKeditor toolbar.
* Any user that is signed in can add a question through a button on the Questions tab in the ContentModule. This will be attached to slide/deck currently being displayed but not specific content within a slide.

The question editor will appear in a module window. It was not decided if this should be a CKeditor extention or a separate component.

Description of fields/input/elements + validation + test scenarios


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

QuestionAsked byOutcome

Not Doing


I also want to add/edit/etc.. questions and store them for myself.

for future discussion

Source material for user/stakeholder feedback

Requirements (/user stories) from pilot roadmap:

  • Existing issues in SlideWiki 1.0 = in random mode you get the same question twice or trice in a single test. [Issue found/raised by Klaas]

Requirements for year 1 - User Stories from pilot roadmap:

  •  I need to include consultation and peer evaluation methods and also learning analytics. (EKDDA)

  • As a content producer, I want SlideWiki to generate content which can be used to assess students' understanding. (SOTON)

Evaluation/improvements by Farid Hasanov master thesis :


Issue with exam mode.  Here the sole issue with the examination mode will be presented.


Issue - deception of the link placement. During viewing of presentations, the testers couldn’t start the examination session quickly. In order to enter the testing mode, the user needs to scroll over all the questions and open the exam mode below.


Source. The flaw was discovered by two users during interaction. Metrics violated: Ease of use, Organization.


Whilst attempting to find the exam mode, the first user spent twice as much time as the experienced one, and wrongly clicked 4 links before finding the right one. The overall ease of use figure for her in the exam mode task is 35%. The second user was slightly faster, achieving 67%. For the third user the figure stands at 58%.


Current State. The issue is presented in the following figure:








Figure 5.5: The current state of exam mode activation.[51].




Possible solution.The exam mode is moved directly to the upper panel.


Mockup. The sketch handling all the aforementioned issues is located below:





Figure 5.6: Mockup for download, tools and exam buttons.



Evaluation at UniBonn :

1.11.6 Existing SlideWiki 1.0 lay-out - screenshot :


Evaluation at UniBonn :  

Project Partners feedback:


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