New sprint design
4 week sprint - different types of tasks
Two weeks is quite short (minimal in Agile - acceptable if you have e.g. 6 people working in same room 8 hours per day - we have people all over europe with 0.5-8 hours per day and other projects (context-switching)) + we need more time for design/requirements engineering/testing (now ad-hoc - in Agile → between sprints planning + design + requirements engineering) - otherwise we get design debt. Everyone involved in design → no fixing things afterwards which could have be done good in the first place.
New Sprint Model
- duration: first 2-3 days of sprint
- design Monday & Tuesday,
- Wednesday = planning + buffer
- planning/requirement/design
- also: detect development dependencies
- duration: all available working days between Warm-Up and Finish
- implementation of new features
- implementation of bug fixes
- duration: 5 days (the week) before the Monthly Telco
- UPDATE SUBMODULES and push to master - git submodule update --recursive --remote
- feature freeze!
- testing:
- testing tasks
- create unit tests
- create automated testing scripts
- detect dependencies (→AUTOMATION!)
- in parallel, 3 days before Monthly Telco: deployment
Week 2 (starting Jan 9) - new years resolution sprint (design(!), requirements engineering, when are deliverables? (+what is needed? Development dependencies! Design!), some prototyping perhaps (what is needed to go to react-semantic UI?).
Week 3 + 4 - intermediate/hybrid sprint (Fix almost-finished features + create automated tests + unit tests + continue design work from new years resolution sprint)
February 1st → deploy/update stable
Februari 3th → is monthly telco
Week 5-8 - new 4 week sprint model (see above)