Design Requirements

Design Requirements

SlideWiki workflow: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yEveNOybYDEJMWLS8utuSUXNvz5NjDPp

Update Semantic UI theme

SlideWiki uses Semantic UI for UI components. Styling is controlled through a custom theme. So far we have only changed the default colours and added a specific class for hidden text. Details about themeing in Semantic UI https://semantic-ui.com/usage/theming.html

We have a custom version of semantic ui in https://github.com/slidewiki/slidewiki-semantic-ui - the SlideWiki theme is at https://github.com/slidewiki/slidewiki-semantic-ui/tree/master/src/themes/slidewiki b

We also need to support some accessibility requirements through updating the theme:

Want a really nice clean theme and styling, following SlideWiki colour palette https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-oEnszZrEaMdk5VaDFlMzdrdkE

We use the following components at lot:

  • basic buttons are used through out the UI eg     but also standard buttons for critical functions such as Save 

  • segments with secondary segments for headers which have a grey background
  • Card, used to display a deck with buttons and links when listing decks on a number of screens 
  • also looking to implement a horizontal version of the card for displaying decks. Currently only available as a mock up 

Full page layout for static pages

Currently static pages use a central column and have no design components. We would like to have a responsive layout that uses the full-width of the screen 

Example page https://slidewiki.org/terms

Home Page

We have mocked up a new home page based on feedback from users

We also wish to have a Welcome page that users will see when they are signed in instead of on the home page. Before implementing this we need to create a component for horizontally scrolling through thumbnails.

Icons on SlideWiki

List of icons currently used in SlideWiki