Delete/Remove option for decks

Due date
OwnerAbi James 


There has been a number of requests from users to be able to delete decks. This is particularly after an import has gone wrong, or as authors are developing content. I am aware that there is a reluctance to allow users to delete content as we want to encourage users to share content and we would need to manage branches and revisions of the content. But there are strong use cases for allowing someway for removing decks such as as an author....

  1. I attempt to import a deck and it fails or is so poor I do not want to use the deck (e.g.
  2. When i have uploaded a deck that has copyrighted material and I now want to remove it
  3. When I decide a deck is now so out of date that it should be removed (I may have replaced it with more up to date material)
  4. When someone has abused my deck and I no longer want it to be associated with me. 

As we need to have a way of taking down material that is infringing copyright, inappropriate material etc we technically need to have some way of removing a deck so the additional work is only on providing a UI to manage this.

Therefore I would propose that we plan to allow users to remove decks if:

  1. there are no branches of a deck
  2. They own all the revisions of a deck

This would satisfy user cases 1-3. 

The alternative would be to have "nominate for deletion" process similar to Wikipedia but this would be more work for us as we would have to then process these request. In addition, if we don't have a remove deck option then we may have to consider a preview mode to allow users to check decks before they publish them (and can no longer delete them).

I am raising this now due to the number of user requests and also as it would be best to implement this at the same time as the planned option to de-list deck a deck.

Action items
