TicketCurrent Status
Decks can be unlisted. Intend that decks that are not forked can be deleted in the future.
Detecting slide titles for the deck tree depends on the author using PowerPoint Title boxes as presented in the themes. If text boxes are used and slides imported, these are not recognised by SlideWiki as 'titles'.  They are also not accessible.
Further support for importing shapes and diagrams will be available in the next release
Possible bug. Moved to SWIK as a development ticket
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes

Incorrect import, numbering was lost. Possible bug.

To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes

Mixed text & bullet points. Styles incorrectly applied on import so all lines were bullets. Originally ODP.

To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes

Zoom buttons have been re-positioned in next release
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes
To be considered as part of the work to improve import of PowerPoint themes and the actual SlideWiki themes

Feature request: add tags to a slide level and add tags on add deck page. 

Need to explore if tooltips can be translated and if all are required.
Considering if we change the colour / style of the Edit button.
Fixed in next release
Default changed to All decks in next release

It is not possible to fork unlisted decks.This is a deliberate restriction to encourage users to publish a deck. It is still possible to collaborate on unlisted decks by adding additional editors.

Improved messaging on modal window when users attempt to fork an unlisted deck in next release.

Feature request: list playlists in Usage tab..

Suggestion being considered for next sprint. Some design issues to resolve.

Unable to replicate.

Feature request: group activity news feed.

Plan to add playlist activity feed and improve group information UI in future sprint.

Plan to add option to invite users to a group, although issues around ensuring users are not spammed need to be resolved.

Share via Twitter and other social media platforms already available.

Plan to add option to invite users to a group, although issues around ensuring users are not spammed needs to be resolved.

Plan to add option to invite users to a group, although issues around ensuring users are not spammed needs to be resolved.
Issue requires further investigation/discussion by the development team.
Plan to improve Group UI in future sprints.
Plan to improve Playlist UI in future sprints to allow decks to be added from the playlist page.

Feature request: list playlists in Usage tab.

Suggestion being considered for next sprint. Some design issues to resolve.

Feature request: add playlist to search entity list.

Will be addressed in future release.

Resolved in next release.

Differences between activity feed and history tab. Likely to be caused by the history tab not refreshing.

Plan to improve refreshing of components when changes are made to the deck in future release.

Issue requires further investigation/discussion by the development team.
Plan to re-implement shortcut keys but they must not conflict with common screen reader keys.
Plan to improve Playlist UI in future sprints.
Issue requires further investigation/discussion by the development team.

Task made to remove speakernotes option

New UIs for managing playlists and to add a deck direct to a playlist will be released shortly. EG

Issue is about a different user expectation of a functionality than what we planned it to be used. Possibly link to docs or show explanation on first usage.
Spam in search results.
Spam in search results.

Fixed in

Will check themes css to see if this can be improved.

HTML list styling is limited. There are options under "Styles" on the editor toilbar. Will also explore further ckeditor plugins.

May be related to fixed bug SWIK-1952
Paint tool can be used to create diagrams. Would recommend that text boxes are created separately to diagrams
Need to consider longer-term feedback solution

Logged as bug

Logged as bug

Missing loading indicator from playlist. Need to investigate further .
Can not check example. Possibly related to inline style from importing SWIK-2446

HTML list styling is limited. There are options under "Styles" on the editor toilbar. Will also explore further ckeditor plugins.

I think this was caused by the border around the slide content overriding the style and size of the first slide. Please could you provide the original slide if this was imported so we can explore this further? 
Feature suggestion

We propose that tags on decks within a playlist with be aggregated at playlist level.

Will be in added in future releases

Behaviour intended, new feature in next SlideWiki version, called "Follow Along" that needs no microphone
JIRA ticketing system form.

Recent decks for the whole system can be accessed at slidewiki.org/recent . However, we don't believe that an unfiltered list is useful so we currently do not provide a link to it.

Lists of My decks, Shared decks and Playlist can be sorted by Last Modified date.

Developer reported this import issue was due to our import service being unable to report the file and noted better messaging is required.

Likely to be the same issue as

Likely to be the same issue as

Likely to be the same issue as

Likely to be the same issue as