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  1. UI under the user area to create and manage a deck
    1. name a group
    2. find users
    3. add / invite a user
    4. delete a user
    5. deactivate a group (may be better than deleting)Addition option under Username dropdown to access Groups. This should be available for all users and list all the groups they belong to.
    6. on the Group page "Add New Group" takes you to a new page to create a new group and add users.
    7. Settings button allows the owner to edit the group (e.g. add and remove users). This should only be enabled for group owners

      Image Added

      Image Added

  2. User profile should display which groups a user is a member of and allow users to leave a group .(implement later)

  3. UI under deck edit to allocate an existing group to a deck to give permissions to edit the deck.
    1. this should be disabled if the user is not the owner of the deck
      DeckEdit UI mockupImage RemovedDeckEdit UI mockupImage Added

A similar option should be added to the Add deck screen.
