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If you have general feedback about SlideWiki or are unable to access the feedback button then you can email us at Please tell us what you are trying to do on SlideWiki and if possible provide the URL and attach a screenshot.

Instructions to SlideWiki developers for capturing bugs

If you encounter a bug or issue with SlideWiki then please use the JIRA Capture tool. If you do not have this installed go to the Capture menu in JIRA. 

If a bug/issue is related to an existing task in SWIK then select "Attach to existing issue" and enter issue key.

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All other bugs should be entered into the SWAQ project. 

Process for reviewing feedback in SWAQ


  • Allocate to development (FOR DEVELOPMENT). This means a task should be created or updated in SWIK in order for the development team to work on in the near future. This will be undertaken during sprint retrospectives/planning
  • Future review (ON HOLD). This means that the issue is valid and should be considered for future development tasks. 
  • Done (RESOLVED, CLOSED). This means the task requires no further work, for example if it is a duplicate of an existing issue on SWIK task or is not valid.

If the issues are moved to the appropriate columns using the board, then the workflow will be automatically updated.

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